

$script = "backup_script.ps1"
[string]$dir = Get-Location
$logfolder = $dir + '\logs\'
$logtime = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss
$logfile = $logfolder + $logtime + ".log"

if (!(Test-Path $logfolder)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $logfolder
powershell -f $script $logtime | Out-File $logfile


$logtime = $args
[string]$dir = Get-Location
$logfolder = $dir + '\logs\'
$logfile = $logfolder + $logtime + '-git' + '.log'
Write-output $logfile
Write-Output "### Backup Start Up ####"
Write-Output "### Init Parameters ####"
Write-Output "### Excute time: $(Get-Date) ####"
Write-Output ""

$app_location = 'C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Confluence\'
$data_location = 'D:\CONFLUENCE_DATA\'
$dbdump_location = 'D:\postgresql_dump\'

Write-Output "Confluence app localtion: $app_location"
Write-Output "Confluence data location: $data_location"
Write-Output "Confluence dbdump location: $dbdump_location"
Write-Output ""

$app_repos = @{
    local     = 'D:\GitRepo\Confluence\application\';
    bitbucket = '[email protected]:bjebc/confluence-app.git'
$data_repos = @{
    local     = 'D:\GitRepo\Confluence\data\';
    bitbucket = '[email protected]:bjebc/confluence-data.git'
$dbdump_repos = @{
    local     = 'D:\GitRepo\Confluence\database\';
    bitbucket = '[email protected]:bjebc/confluence-database.git'
Write-Output "Conflunece app repos:"
Write-Output $app_repos
Write-Output "Confluence data repo:"
Write-Output $data_repos
Write-Output "Confluence dbdump repo:"
Write-Output $dbdump_repos
Write-Output ""

# check if confluence app folder has got a .git folder, init git if not
if (!(Test-Path -PATH ($app_location + '.git'))) {
    Write-Output "### Init Git Forlders $app_location ####"
    Set-Location $app_location
    git init >> $logfile
    foreach ($remote in $app_repos.Keys) {
        if ($remote -eq "local") {
            if (!(Test-Path ($app_repos["local"] + 'HEAD'))) {
                if (!(Test-Path $app_repos["local"])) {
                    New-Item -Type Directory -Path $app_repos["local"]
                git init --bare $app_repos["local"] >> $logfile
        git remote add $remote $app_repos[$remote] >> $logfile

# check if confluence data folder has got a .git folder, init git if not
if (!(Test-Path -Path ($data_location + '.git'))) {
    Write-Output "### Init Git Forlders $data_location ####"
    Set-Location $data_location
    git init >> $logfile
    foreach ($remote in $data_repos.Keys) {
        if ($remote -eq "local") {
            if (!(Test-Path ($data_repos["local"] + 'HEAD'))) {
                if (!(Test-Path $data_repos["local"])) {
                    New-Item -Type Directory -Path $data_repos["local"]
                git init --bare $data_repos["local"] >> $logfile
        git remote add $remote $data_repos[$remote] >> $logfile

# check if confluence dbdump folder has got a .git folder, init git if not
if (!(Test-Path -Path ($dbdump_location + '.git'))) {
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $dbdump_location)) {
        New-Item -Type Directory -Path $dbdump_location
    Write-Output "### Init Git Forlders $dbdump_location ####"
    Set-Location $dbdump_location
    git init $dbdump_location >> $logfile
    foreach ($remote in $dbdump_repos.Keys) {
        if ($remote -eq "local") {
            if (!(Test-Path ($dbdump_repos["local"] + 'HEAD'))) {
                if (!(Test-Path $dbdump_repos["local"])) {
                    New-Item -Type Directory -Path $dbdump_repos["local"]
                git init --bare $dbdump_repos["local"] >> $logfile
        git remote add $remote $dbdump_repos[$remote] >> $logfile
Write-Output "### Stop Confluence Service ####"
Stop-Service Confluence121217132300
Write-Output ""

# dump database
$time = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss
pg_dump -d CONFLUENCE -U postgres -F t -f "d:\postgresql_dump\$time.tar"

# commit and push conflunece app changes
Set-Location $app_location
git add . >> $logfile
git commit -m 'Timed script commit.' >> $logfile
foreach ($remote in $app_repos.Keys) {
    git push $remote master >> $logfile

# commit and push confluence data changes
Set-Location $data_location
git add . >> $logfile
git commit  -m 'Timed script commit.' >> $logfile
foreach ($remote in $data_repos.Keys) {
    git push $remote master >> $logfile

# commit and push dbdump changes
Set-Location $dbdump_location
git add . >> $logfile
git commit -a -m 'Timed script commit.' >> $logfile
foreach ($remote in $dbdump_repos.Keys) {
    git push $remote master >> $logfile

# start confluence service
Start-service Confluence121217132300

Write-Output '### Backup Complete ####'







plain text

pg_dump -U CONFLUENCE -f /$time.sql -d CONFLUENCE
psql -U CONFLUENCE -f /20171225-120003.sql CONFLUENCE


pg_dump -U postgres -F t -f /$time.tar -d CONFLUENCE
pg_restore -U postgres -d CONFLUENCE /20171225-120003.tar


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
    <URI>\Backup\Conflunece Backup</URI>
    <Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">
      <Arguments>-f start.ps1</Arguments>